Meet the needs of every young person
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Provision that delivers outcomes
We provide a team around each young person, allowing tutors to establish a safe and nurturing space that extends beyond traditional education.

Specialist 1:1 & Group Support
Highly experienced teachers utilise a trauma-informed approach to provide personalised provision and mentorship.

Reintegration into Education
We support young people in their transition back into mainstream or special educational environments.

Complex SEND and SEMH
Our tutors and SEND Specialist Support Team have deep expertise in supporting young people with a variety of special educational needs, including those with acute SEMH needs, ADHD and ASC.

LAC & Out of County
Dedicated support for Looked After Children and those who have been moved out of county, ensuring continuity in their learning.

Examination Entries
We offer Functional Skills Qualifications in house. Through an external partnership, we can facilitate GCSE, A-Level and some vocational examination entries, empowering young people to gain vital competencies and certifications.

ESOL & UASC Support
Support where English is a second or additional language and a potential barrier to integration into education, work or society.















Streamlined Referral Process for Tailored Support
Our Education Coordination Team reviews each support request with care, thoughtfully matching tutors and young people based on experiences, needs, and interests. By considering desired outcomes, we create personalised learning plans tailored to each student’s skills and goals, aligning with school topics where relevant. Support is typically set up within 2-3 weeks of referral.

If you have a young person you would like us to support, please complete our online referral form available on our website by clicking the “Refer a Young Person” button. This marks your confirmation that you would like us to move ahead with support, subject to us finding an appropriate tutor.

You will receive an introductoryemail from a member of our Education Coordination team, who will be your go-to contact and who will start the process of coordinating support.

Once a referral is received, we will work as quickly as possible to find a teacher within the relevant skills and experience to support. We will keep you updated throughout this process. There may be times when we don’t feel we have found a teacher who can meet the young person’s needs. In these cases, we will let you know as soon as possible so you can find alternative support.

Once the referral is up and running, we will communicate with you at least weekly. You will receive reports direct to your inbox covering a young person’s progress, engagement and attendance. We are always happy to discuss the detail in these reports, so please reach out if you have questions when you read them. For schools referring more than one young person, we can provide access to an online portal which has headline data on attendance, progress, engagement, hours of support remaining.
Catering to the specific needs of every individual
All young people within AP generally have some form of additional needs - we provide a personalised, holistic approach to education and support.

Voice of the young person
We value the input of our young people and involve them in the creation of their own learning plans, empowering them to take control of their journey and aspirations.

Achievable outcomes
By prioritising individual needs and interests, we set realistic and meaningful targets that enable our young people to see tangible progress in their learning journey.

A duty of care
We take a child-centred approach to safeguarding, keeping the child in focus when making decisions about their lives and working in partnership with them and their families.

Led by what works
Our methods are not static. We continuously monitor, assess, and adapt our strategies based on the changing needs and progress of each young person.
Alternative Provision that goes beyond traditional tutoring
At Targeted Provision, we have spearheaded a step-change for vulnerable learners in England. In the face of growing challenges in the UK's education sector - such as a shortage of appropriate school places, a lack of available professionals, and a marked increase in young people missing education due to unmet SEMH needs - we saw a pressing need for transformation in Alternative Provision.
We provide a supportive, understanding, and tailored educational environment for young people facing adversity. We are led by the principles of trauma-informed practice and the profound impact trauma can have on a young person's ability to learn, grow, and engage with the world. Our approach considers these underlying vulnerabilities, providing a supportive educational environment tailored to address and alleviate them. We are here to help young people transition into needs-appropriate provision, empower them to take control of their educational journey, and support them in developing resilience and self-regulation skills.
Our tutors are qualified teachers, with extensive experience supporting young people with SEND. Every tutor is also paired with a SEND Specialist from our central Support Team, who oversees each lesson, offers strategies tailored to individual needs and consistently monitors and report the attendance and progress of each young person referred to us. Our Support Team are also available to participate in EHCP/PEP/Strategy meetings and collate evidence for EHCNA applications when needed.
We can also offer examination entries (including GCSEs, A-Levels and Functional Skills) and post-16 life-skills packages, equipping young people with practical skills vital for work, learning and life. Additionally, we deliver English as an Additional Language (EAL) support for unaccompanied asylum-seeking children (UASC), ensuring they feel seen, understood and supported in their educational journey. We also maintain out-of-county consistency, providing reliable support regardless of county barriers.
In brief, young people referred to TP receive much more than just tuition. They receive comprehensive support from trauma-informed professionals who take into account their individual circumstances, experiences, and emotional needs. This support empowers them with the confidence and emotional security needed to explore new learning opportunities and take positive steps in their educational journey.
Wherever is best for the young person. We can provide support in residential settings, schools, libraries and community settings, or via Zoom.
Once you have submitted a referral to us, we will audit the information and match your young person with a tutor whose experience and skill set are relevant. We aim to have referrals placed within 5-15 days but can look to fast-track the process in some circumstances if there is a tutor available.
We exist to meet the needs of young people and have no requirement for schools or Local Authorities to make a minimum number of referrals. We know that things can change last minute for a young person, and therefore will never ask for a minimum length for a referral either. We do, however, know that our support is most impactful when delivered over several hours in a week, so will prioritise supporting young people where requests are made for 2 or more hours per week.
Anyone working for, or on behalf, of Targeted Provision will demonstrate relevant Safeguarding Training to Level 2 as a minimum. All teachers placed on referrals will be offered additional Safeguarding Training by our DSL, helping them to understand the unique situations they may encounter when working 1:1 with young people. You can read our full Safeguarding Policy here
We build curricula around the young pepole we support. Sessions can range from practical, sensory, and play activities to academic preparation for Functional Skills, GCSEs and A Levels. We offer young people the chance to complete AQA Unit Award Courses, ASDAN courses and Functional Skills qualifications. We also offer EAL provision with a specific understanding of UASC needs. For young people receiving our support as part of an EOTAS package, we encourage teachers to explore a full range of PHSE topics including life skills, careers advice and RSE.
We do not offer mentors who are distinct from our teachers. Instead, we ensure that teachers are clear about the needs of the young person and their outcomes at the point of referral. Because our teachers follow trauma informed practice, and focus on building positive relationships with young people, they are well placed to adopt a mentoring role. We have numerous teachers working with young people towards purely social and emotional outcomes.
We will approach disengagement or poor attendance with as much flexibility and creativity as possible. Where we identify these concerns we will speak to the teacher, family and professionals involved to identify potential causes. We can explore changes in timetable, teacher and session delivery. We will raise safeguarding concerns where lack of attendance is persistent and we do not have contact with the young person or their primary adult. We understand, ultimately, if it is in the young person's best interest to end sessions, and ask for just 24 hours notice.
Absolutely! We work with 150 Local Authority teams / 450 schools and would be delighted to put you in touch with some of our current partners. Please get in touch with us to arrange this.
We take steps to ensure any existing risks and risk assessments are shared with us at the point of referral. We ensure teachers are made aware of the risks, and are supported to understand strategies to manage risks prior to meeting the young person. Our teachers never lone work, and never engage in physical intervention. If a young person is to receive support in a community setting, such as a library, an additional off-site risk assessment is completed. This risk assessment is also used for planned activities outside the standard way of working for each young person (for example a day trip). You can read our full risk assessment policy here
Success Stories
Discover the transformative journeys of our young people