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Insights and case studies across education, tuition and alternative provision.
Success Stories
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How Mentoring Helped Emily after Brain Trauma
Emily is a teenage girl who was referred to Targeted Provision for social mentoring and support with her English and Maths skills, after being involved in an accident which left her with significant brain trauma.
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Success Stories
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Supporting Evie to develop her Communication Skills
Evie is pre-verbal and has Severe Learning Difficulties and Sensory Processing Difficulties. The local authority, who referred Evie to us, hoped that we could support her to engage in her learning and develop her communication skills until a place in a specialist school became available.
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Success Stories
 min read
Guiding Elijah Towards Positive Engagement
Elijah had been permanently excluded from a number of provisions and was disengaged from learning and from the adults trying to support him. His self-esteem and confidence were low, and his behaviour at home was deteriorating.
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